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Introduction/ Public services/ Furniture making

Furniture making

Furniture making – Planning/designing - Advising


We have to keep the same aspects during interior design as during furniture design : to make the structure, shape and function click like a puzzle. We aim for the best placing of the furniture in the house or room, to leave as less empty space as possible but also make them look very nice and comfortable. It is possible for us to consult with an interior designer as well. We give advice regarding technical issues, material, function and use of the furniture.

We deliver our products with a deadline – we also offer our service to communities. If there is an order of bigger volume – or constant orders, we provide a discount and a free check-up at the spot. Guarantee is always given.

We are home in unique furniture!

    Main fields or our work:

         ⇒ Kitchen furniture  
        ⇒ Office furniture
        ⇒ Built-in cabinets,
              Shelf system
        ⇒ Bathroom furniture  
        ⇒ Room furniture
        ⇒ Dining room
        ⇒ Kid’s room furniture  
        ⇒ Hallway furniture  
        ⇒ And a lot of other things.

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